Perth Amboy Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

Perth Amboy Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers Offer Everything You Need to Recover From Addiction

Studies show that as many as half of drug addicts also have a mental illness. Now, any mental illness in conjunction with addiction would be a dual diagnosis. Perth Amboy dual diagnosis treatment centers can inform you about dual diagnosis and give you the help you need for your specific diagnosis.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is also referred to as co-occurring disorder. When someone is experiencing a mental illness simultaneously with a substance abuse problem, they will receive a dual diagnosis. This is a very expansive category, ranging from a person developing mild depression or anxiety because of their binge drinking, to a person with bipolar disorder experiencing significant side effects of their disorder when that person abuses a substance during times of mania. Either the mental illness or the addiction may develop first. A person with a mental health issue may turn to alcohol and drugs trying to self-medicate to improve the troublesome mental health issues they experience.

Approximately one third of people who experience mental illness and about maybe half of all people living with a severe mental illness also experiences a drug abuse problem. The statistics are mirrored in the community of substance abusers. This is where approximately one third of alcoholics or alcohol abusers and also more than half of all addicts report that they have a mental illness. Dual diagnosis is more common than people recognize.

Substance abuse may also lead to mental health issues due to the effects that drugs or alcohol have on a person's thoughts, moods, behavior, and brain chemistry.

Research studies show that alcohol and drugs are responsible for making symptoms of someone's mental condition worse. Before deciding to enter Perth Amboy dual diagnosis treatment centers, learn more about the disease to be able to more easily detect these issues in yourself or a loved one

However, if you need help now, do not wait to call for help. Addiction is a disease that can end in death, so be very careful. Give us a call at 732-585-0745 and speak to an addiction specialist about your needs and the possibility of enrolling in any inpatient drug treatment programs.

Signs of a person with a Dual Diagnosis

A person who in tandem with a substance abuse problem has a mental disorder, or a dual diagnosis will show certain signs. Being that you are not a doctor (unless you are), it may be difficult to detect a mental disorder if it is not severe, this does not mean it is not an issue. Signs you can look for in someone who may have a dual diagnosis include:

  • Withdrawal and isolation from friends and family.
  • Extreme changes in behavior.
  • Under dangerous conditions, a person will still abuse a substance
  • While drunk or high a person will engage in risky behavior
  • A person will lose control over their substance abuse
  • People will do things they typically would not if they were not under the influence
  • A person develops a tolerance and may experience withdrawal symptoms
  • A person feeling like they need the drug in order to function normally.

Only a professional can diagnose a person. At any of Perth Amboy dual diagnosis centers, you can receive everything you need in order to make an informed and safe decision.

Perth Amboy Drug Addiction Treatment Centers and Inpatient Drug Treatment Programs

When a substance abuser admits they are no longer in control of their lives, they have hit rock bottom, and are now desperate for help, it is time to take the first step toward recovery (although, the first step is admitting you are powerless over a substance). Perth Amboy drug addiction treatment centers provide a safe and drug free environment for addict to recover.

Inpatient treatment is the full true version of treatments. Although, outpatient is wildly successful as well. This will be determined by yourself and a professional. If you are unable to check into an inpatient center and your specific dual diagnosis can handle outpatient, then, of course, follow doctors' orders-always.

Detox will occur first, ridding the body of all substances abused and toxins. With the assistance of medical staff around the clock, a person will go through withdrawals much more comfortably and safely.

Next is the treatment portion. This is when a person will be treated for their mental health issue alongside their addiction. They will learn about their disease and how to live life again. Don't wait and get help now. Start living again.




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